Due to an earlier "debacle" with my 1st Army List, I had to do a serious review. Here's my second attempt, in which I even managed to cramp in the friggin' Murder Talon!! In a 1K Army!!
Universal Special Rules:
- Veterans of the Long War (VotLW): +1 Leadership, cannot exceed value 10, and grants "Hatred (Space Marine)" special rule.
- Hatred (Space Marines): Re-roll failed to-hit rolls when fighting Loyalist Space Marines. Every first round of combat. When you defeat a unit, you get to do it again on the next!
- Night Fighting: Roll in turn 1 (on a 4+ it's NF, for 1 turn, else not), and again in turn 5 (same rules, for the remainder of the game). Maximum limit for shooting is 36". Units between 24" and 36", have the Shrouded special rule. Units between 12" and 24" have the Stealth special rule. Less than 12" is rolled normal. Scattering uses the NF rule for the intended location, not the scattered location.
- Shrouded: Add +2 to cover saves. Stacks with Stealth (read below), if a unit has that special rule itself. which we do, as you'll see in the Generic rules on Night Lords!
- Jink: When having moved in the Movement-phase you get a 5+ cover save until the next Movement-phase. If Turbo-boosting/Flat Out-ing it becomes a 4+ save. Generally, you need to declare Jinking before the opponent rolls hit to-hit.
- Go to Ground: Hugging the floor makes you a more difficult target. Gives +1 to Cover Save. Gives 6+ Cover Save when out in the open. downside: Unit cannot Move, Run or Charge, and can only fire Snap Shots. Returns to normal at the end of their own following turn. There's additional stuff, but I'll leave it at that for now.
Cover saves: What saves do you get?
- Razor wire 6+
- Intervening Models 5+
- Gaps between Intervening Models 5+
- Forests and area terrain 5+
- Ruins, ruined fortifications and trenches 4+
- Aegis Wall 4+
- Fortifications 3+
What bonuses does Going to Ground give?
- Go to ground behind Aegis 2+
- Go to ground adds 1 to cover save (6+ in the open)
- Go to ground in area terrain adds 2 to the model’s cover save
The Generic rules on Night Lords in the Traitor Legions supplement:
- In Midnight Clad: Units that have the Veterans of the Long War special rule - so everything except the Helbrute and Spawns - have Fear, Night Vision and Stealth special rules. Being...
- Fear: At the start of each Fight sub-phase (which is in the Assault-phase, after charging), the opponent in base contact of the source of the Fear rule needs to do a leadership test (as in, roll 2D6, result should be lower than Leadership, abreviated to "Ld") with -2 value (on top of a Vox Daemonicus that is, and on top of Terror Tactics if 2nd round of fighting, as it states "locked in combat"). Failure results in Weapon Skill 1 (not minus 1, actually ONE) for the entire phase. This means that they have to roll a 5+ on the to-hit roll (4+ if the opponent has WS 1 or 2).
- Stealth: Get a +1 to cover saves, with a minimum of 6+ when out in the open. Cumulative with Shrouded rule, to a maximum of 2+. Combined with Cover, Jink and Night Fighting, this will add up quickly!
- Night Vision: Ignore the effect of Night Fighting!
- Skyborne Horror: Raptors are Troops instead of Fast Attack. I don't know the implications on this one, except that maybe they count towards Troops is a Combined Arms Detachment, giving them Objective Secured from that set of rules.
- Terror Tactics: Any units locked in combat with a unit from a Night Lords formation or detachment must subtract 2 from their Leadership when taking the Fear test. Combined with Fear itself, ánd a potential Vox Daemonicus, this can add up to -5 Ld when taking the test!! So, say we fight Space Marines, with Leadership 10, or even 9, they must now roll lower than 5 or 4 to not have a Weapon Skill of 1. Low-level Orks/ will have no life me thinks, limited to pretty much snake eyes in such a case...
So... If my Bikes go first, Turbo-boost (same difference as "flat out") and come into range (even if visible, due to Night Fighting), say 22", I can stay out in the open, Jink (gives 4+ save, due to turbo-boost, else 5+), which becomes a 3+ due to Stealth, and then 1+ due to Shrouded (the distance). So, even after the opponent has rolled to Hit, to Wound (Toughness 5 not 4, Space Marines need 5+ to wound a Biker), I get to roll for cover save on a 2+ when out in the open, as general rule of thumb being "rolling 1 is an automatic fail"... :-) edit: so I don't necessarily have to Jink, as I'll remain on 3+ cover save without it, without the limiting factor next turn. Would I run the risk though...
I however get to shoot and my opponent only gets the cover bonus from whatever he's behind. And he/she/it of course still has his/her/its other saves.
The Detachment rules:
- Talon-master: if Murder Talon is the primary detachment, you can Re-roll the result on the Night Lord Warlord Traits table. So NOT the Chaos Space Marine table, if you so chose to use that.
- Strike Fast, Strike Hard: Re-roll failed charge rolls for units in this detachment (not primary needed!). The entire game!
- Nocturnal Warfare: If the Night Lord player so wishes, it's automatically Night Fighting, no need to roll. seems rather obvious... yes, please!
Without further ado, here's my list. Mind, I've removed the Detachments-/Formation-/Legion-rules from the units, as they only clutter the list.
1 Night Lords Murder Talon (Primary Detachment), 996 pts ((Traitor Legions, pg. 94-95); In Midnight Clad; Nocturnal Warfare; Skyborne Horror; Strike Fast, Strike Hard; Talon-master; Terror Tactics)
1 Chaos Warband ((Traitor Legions, pg. 46); Favoured Scions; Objective Secured)
Formation Rules:
- Favoured Scions: When a model roles on the Chaos Boon table, roll 2D6 and pick which you want to use, either one of them, or both! This is a rule for models that have the Champion of Chaos special rule. When they kill a unit, they get to roll.
Objective Secured: All units have this rule, even if there's an enemy unit near the marker. Unless they have that rule too.
105 pts - 95 pts base + 1x 10pts/Power Fist
- 2 Chaos Terminators ((C:CSM, pp. 40 & 97); Infantry; Terminator Armour; Combi-Boltgun x2; Power Axe x2; Bulky)
- 1 Terminator Champion (Infantry (Character); Terminator Armour; Combi-Boltgun; Power Fist; Bulky)
- 158 pts - 75 pts base + 1x 13pts/model + 1x 10pts/Meltagun + 1x 15pts/Power Sword + 1x 5pts/Melta Bombs + 1x 35pts/Rhino + 1x 5pts/Dozer Blade
- 5 Chaos Space Marines ((C:CSM, pp. 37 & 95); Infantry; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol x5; Boltgun x4; Meltagun)
- 1 Aspiring Champion ((C:CSM, pp. 37 & 95); Infantry (Character); Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Melta Bombs; Bolt Pistol; Boltgun; Power Sword x1; Champion of Chaos)
- 1 Chaos Rhino ((C:CSM, pp. 54 & 99); Vehicle (Tank, Transport); 10 model capacity; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Dozer Blade; Combi-Boltgun; Repair)
- 158 pts - 75 pts base + 1x 13pts/model + 1x 10pts/Meltagun + 1x 15pts/Power Sword + 1x 5pts/Melta Bombs + 1x 35pts/Rhino + 1x 5pts/Dozer Blade
- 5 Chaos Space Marines ((C:CSM, pp. 37 & 95); Infantry; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol x5; Boltgun x4; Meltagun)
- 1 Aspiring Champion ((C:CSM, pp. 37 & 95); Infantry (Character); Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Melta Bombs; Bolt Pistol; Boltgun; Power Sword x1; Champion of Chaos)
- 1 Chaos Rhino ((C:CSM, pp. 54 & 99); Vehicle (Tank, Transport); 10 model capacity; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Dozer Blade; Combi-Boltgun)
- 270 pts - 70 pts base + 2x 20pts/model + 2x5pts/Flamer + 1x 65pts/Chaos Lord + 1x 20pts/Lord Bike + 1x 5pts/Melta Bomb + 1x 30pts/Lighting Claws + 1x 30pts/Vox Daemonicus
- 4 Chaos Bikers ((C:CSM, pg. 27 & 99); Bikes; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Chaos Bike; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol x4; Close Combat Weapon x2; Flamer x2; Twin-Linked Boltgun x4; Hammer of Wrath; Jink; Relentless; Very Bulky)
- 1 Biker Champion (Bikes (Character); Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Chaos Bike; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol; Close Combat Weapon; Twin-Linked Boltgun x1; Champion of Chaos; Hammer of Wrath; Jink; Relentless; Very Bulky)
- 1 Chaos Lord ((C:CSM, pp. 31 & 93); Bikes (Character); Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Lightning Claw x2; Twin-Linked Boltgun x1; Melta Bombs; Chaos Bike; Champion of Chaos; Fearless; Hammer of Wrath; Independent Character; Jink; Relentless; Very Bulky; Vox Daemonicus; Warlord)
- 160 pts - 95 pts base + 1x 10pts/Meltagun + 1x 5pts/Melta Bombs + 2x 15pts/Lightning Claws
- 4 Raptors ((C:CSM, pp. 48 & 100); Jump Units; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Jump Pack; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol x4; Close Combat Weapon x4; Meltagun x1; Bulky; Deep Strike)
- 1 Raptor Champion ((C:CSM, pp. 47 & 99); Jump Units (Character); Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Jump Pack; Power Armour; Melta Bombs; Lightning Claw x2; Bulky; Champion of Chaos; Deep Strike)
- 105 pts - 100pts base + 1x 5pts/Reaper Autocannon
- 1 Helbrute ((C:CSM, pp. 56 & 97); Vehicle (Walker); Power Fist; Reaper Autocannon; Crazed; Hammer of Wrath) -- This unit does not have VotLW.
1 Spawn ((Traitor's Hate, pg. 115); In Midnight Clad; Skyborne Horror; Terror Tactics)
- 60 pts - 60pts base
- 2 Chaos Spawn ((C:CSM, pgs. 41 & 100); Beasts; Fear; Fearless; Fleet; Mutated Beyond Reason; Rage; Random Attacks; Very Bulky) -- This unit does not have VotLW.
Validation Report: a-0. Army Selection: Battle-forged; 1. Chaos Legions: Chaos Space Marines; c-1. File Version: 1.60 For Bug Reports/www.ab40k.org; b-1. Roster Options: Hide Named or Special Characters; a-1. Scenario: Normal Mission Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules
Composition Report: HQ: 1 (- - -) Elite: 2 (- - -) Troops: 2 (- - -) Fast: 3 (- - -) Heavy: 0 (- - -) LOW: 0 (0 - 1) Fort: 0 (0 - 1)
Total Roster Cost: 996
Created with Army Builder® - Try it for free at http://www.wolflair.com
I added the Spawn as it's a hella-cheap asset to fill out the Detachment! For 60 points I got a LOT of goodness, as they have 3 Wounds each, Toughness 5 and can move 12" per turn (due to not having weapons, they can run in the shooting phase). The best reason though would be that they enable the Night Lord legion rules! ;-)
So the idea is pretty much to flood the opponent...
- Bikes and Chaos Spawn turbo-boost/fleet into the fray.
- CSM in their Rhinos make it into midfield, taking hold.
- Termies Deep Strike into midfield, Helbrute is "wave 3", sloggin' it into midfield (it has the 48" range with its Autocannon, and does in fact suffer from Night Fighting, as he does not have VotlW, and therefor no Night Vision! It might keep him save from artillery/missiles though).
- Raptors hang out in cover to try and ambush something in midfield or bolster the termies or Helbrute. Maybe Deep Strike them as well?
So, what do you think? Did I miss something again? Am I missing something completely (again)? Should I have taken Gift of Mutation on some dudes perhaps?
Until next time!