Picking up delivery, end up spending too much coin...

Yesterday I went to my FLGS in Utrecht, to pick up some ordered plasma and melta guns, to use with my models (there's always too few on the sprues with the kits...), and a Imperial Agents Codex, to make sure I have official documentation with the Assassins I plan to field. Oh, and some of the paints that are used by Michiel to make up my Night Lords. I want to be able to improve my own skills as well....

In the end I ka-ching-ed almost 200 EUR, as I needed some brushes too, and why not, a Heldrake and a Vindicator to supplement my army to have some air- and artillery-support.

I might just use them to start out my own painting? Although the Heldrake is going to be a PITA, dus to all the "rims" which require precision-crafting...

Have a good one!
