Small post on my work today: I built a Land Raider :) See you next time! Kidding of course, but pretty uneventful. Sidenotes With a Land Raider there might be a few shared parts (mostly weapons I guess). Before you start, decide for yourself what to magnetize, and search for the common "denominator" if you have mutliple attachments, and whether or not you want to use it. Read the manual and maybe

Read More And that's a Land Raider done...

Sidenotes There are a few shared parts in this model. Before you start, decide for yourself what to magnetize, and search for the common "denominator" if you have mutliple attachments, and whether or not you want to use it. read the manual and watch the youtube-videos completely before you start. Know what to expect! (I didn't and you'll see me pay for it lateron) Use Superglue (Secondelijm in

Read More Helbrute ready for paint!

Yesterday I woke up very early, too early (5.3o AM), and the Mrs. was out for the count (didn't get up until 11 AM-ish), so I had time on my hands. By the end of the day I had removed the following off of the sprue, cleaned the excess/residual particles (what's the proper English term for that anyway!? I mean the little lumps of plastic still on the model-parts when you cut them from the sprue)

Read More Where I assembled more stuff, and proud of my terminators-job!

Sidenotes Use Superglue (Secondelijm in Dutch, I used the Gel variant, not Liquid), not Plastic Glues on the magnets. To make sure that magnets polarities are aligned properly I did this: Glue one magnet to the model, and let dry. Attach another magnet to the glued one. If it sticks, the polarity is right. Use a permanent marker (sharpie?) on the side that is visible to you. Let the ink dry. When

Read More Magnetized a Forgefiend