Hi all, We're doing some changes, enhancements and maintenance on the website, it may not respond as expected! I apologize if you're unable to access the content you desire, but it's all for the better (at least, in my opinion, haha) Regards, Jimmy

Read More Website enhancements and maintenance

I'm still in the middle of setting up the site, and I saw others have this thing called a "blogroll". As mine didn't have that yet, I did a quick search and found some easy code to add. I decided to add it and create some linkback-love to other blogs. The reason for this is twofold: First, to honor their content. Second, to generate a wee bit higher rating, as their site gets linked more. :)

Read More Added a blogroll to the site, some linkback-love

Today I've spent some time on fine-tuning my site, so others cannot hotlink to my images, slurping on my paid-for-bandwidth. Or using my images on their own behalf, of course... Anywho, I've indeed added my own images to the website, allowing me to enhance my posts with pictures! :-) I'm in the process of getting some web software installed, but it seems pretty tedious, so for now I'll stick to

Read More Added local images, blocked hotlinking, secure content

I've noticed that the site seems to be loading bumpy, stop-and-go. Seems that integrating Youtube and Twitter makes the browser wait for content by those 3rd parties before it finishes. I'll have to check and see if it's possible to do that asynchronous?

Read More Site Performance

So, testing embedding a Tweet, seems to work alright? And he's all done (maybe a few touch up the more I look at it!) #Warmongers #warhammer40k pic.twitter.com/HFeljoStWn— Rob Hill (@30kplus40k) December 9, 2016

Read More Testing embedding Twitter

I've changed some of the setup, mostly color-combinations in CSS, and altered some pages. Also, I've added a contact form to be found here: https://eyeofterror.eu/contact

Read More CSS galore and a contact form

This is a new website, intended to be used for all things Warhammer 40K related to Chaos. In the coming time I'll be setting up the site, theme and content.

Read More In Development